ST2023 Data Collection Empat Lawang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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The rice harvest area in 2024 will reach 521.09 thousand hectares, an increase of 16.95 thousand hectares or 3.36 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2023 which was 504.14 thousand hectares.

The month to month (m-to-m) deflation rate for South Sumatra Province in February 2025 was 0.41 percent and the year to date (y-to-d) deflation rate was 0.77 percent.

ST2023 Data Collection Empat Lawang Regency

ST2023 Data Collection Empat Lawang Regency

July 31, 2023 | BPS Activities

From June 1 to July 31, 2023, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Empat Lawang Regency has carried out the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023). ST2023 is the seventh Agricultural Census conducted by BPS, since it began in 1963. The Agricultural Census is conducted every ten years in a year ending in 3 as mandated by the Law of the Republic. 

ST2023 aims to provide data on agricultural structures, especially for the smallest administrative units; provide data that can be used as a benchmark for current agricultural statistics; and provide a sample frame for agricultural surveys. 

ST2023 will cover seven subsectors, namely food crops, horticulture, plantations, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, and agricultural services. In ST2023, agricultural business actors in Empat Lawang Regency will be recorded, both individual agricultural business units, other agricultural business units (groups), and agricultural companies with legal entities. Officers were deployed by BPS Empat Lawang Regency to record agricultural business actors.

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