BPS of Empat Lawang Regency Coordinates with BAPPEDA and KOMINFO - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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The rice harvest area in 2024 will reach 521.09 thousand hectares, an increase of 16.95 thousand hectares or 3.36 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2023 which was 504.14 thousand hectares.

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BPS of Empat Lawang Regency Coordinates with BAPPEDA and KOMINFO

BPS of Empat Lawang Regency Coordinates with BAPPEDA and KOMINFO

August 23, 2023 | Other Activities

[23/08/2023] - BPS-Statistics of Empat Lawang Regency coordinates with the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) and the Communication and Information Service (KOMINFO) for Empat Lawang Regency. This collaboration aims to facilitate the implementation of change action projects which are expected to produce quality data to support better development planning. This change action project was designed with the main objective of producing accurate and reliable data, which will later become a strong basis for more effective and sustainable development planning in Empat Lawang Regency.

It is hoped that this project will make a significant contribution in advancing Empat Lawang Regency towards a better future through more mature development planning and based on accurate data.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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