Briefing of Seruti TW-IV from BPS South Sumatra Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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The rice harvest area in 2024 will reach 521.09 thousand hectares, an increase of 16.95 thousand hectares or 3.36 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2023 which was 504.14 thousand hectares.

The month to month (m-to-m) deflation rate for South Sumatra Province in February 2025 was 0.41 percent and the year to date (y-to-d) deflation rate was 0.77 percent.

Briefing of Seruti TW-IV from BPS South Sumatra Province

Briefing of Seruti TW-IV from BPS South Sumatra Province

August 31, 2023 | BPS Activities

Megry Fatra Humbara, S.ST as a social subject matter at BPS Empat Lawang Regency participated in the briefing of the Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti) Quarter IV through a Zoom Meeting organized by BPS South Sumatra Province on 28th of August 2023. SERUTI is a household-based survey which is an integration of three surveys, namely the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), the Quarterly Household Consumption Special Survey (SKKRT), and the Household Savings and Investment Special Survey (SKTIR). The purpose of SERUTI is to determine the development of people's consumption patterns in the third quarter as a continuation of the previous second quarter of SERUTI so that the respondents are panel respondents.

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