Inauguration and Oath Taking of Civil Servants and Functional Positions of BPS Employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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Inauguration and Oath Taking of Civil Servants and Functional Positions of BPS Employees

Inauguration and Oath Taking of Civil Servants and Functional Positions of BPS Employees

February 26, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday, February 26 2024, three BPS employees of Empat Lawang Regency were officially appointed and took the oath as Civil Servants (PNS) as well as Functional Officials at BPS Empat Lawang Regency. The three people are:
1. Azzam Majdi Asysyahida, S.Tr.Stat was appointed as the First Expert Statistician
2. M. Rijalus Sholihin, S.Tr.Stat was appointed as the First Expert Computer Officer
3. Zakiah Rahmah, S.Tr.Stat was appointed as the First Expert Statistician

A solemn atmosphere enveloped the room when Azzam Majdi Asysyahida, S.Tr.Stat., M. Rijalus Sholihin, S.Tr.Stat., and Zakiah Rahmah, S.Tr.Stat recited their promises and oaths of office as official State Civil Servants (ASN). BPS Empat Lawang Regency is led directly by Mr. Windy Prabowo Setyawan, S.Si., M.A., as Head of the Central Statistics Agency of Empat Lawang Regency. This inauguration event was also witnessed by all BPS Empat Lawang employees.

In his speech, Mr. Windy Prabowo Setyawan, S.Si., M.A., told the three of them to continue to uphold responsibility, integrity, professionalism, trustworthiness and a high work ethic in carrying out their duties and functions as ASN. It is hoped that this event will be the first step to building a better BPS for Empat Lawang Regency.
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