April 24, 2024 | Other Activities
On April 24th, 2024, BPS-Statistics of Empat Lawang Regency conducted a Non-Execution Auction of State Property (BMN) at the Lahat KPNKL. At the auction, there were six bidders who wanted to buy the items being auctioned. After a winner is selected, the winner of the auction must pay the price he has bid no later than May 2nd, 2024.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Empat LawangJl. Lintas Sumatera No. 35 Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Empat Lawang Sumatera Selatan
Telp (0702) 7321262
Faks (0702) 7321262
Mailbox : bps1611@bps.go.id