SMART DAY - Health Webinar "Beware of Pinched Nerves in the Productive Age" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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SMART DAY - Health Webinar "Beware of Pinched Nerves in the Productive Age"

SMART DAY - Health Webinar "Beware of Pinched Nerves in the Productive Age"

October 22, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, October 22 2024, BPS South Sumatra Province will again hold a SMART DAY event through a health webinar entitled "Beware of Pinched Nerves in the Productive Age" starting at 14.00 WIB until finished. BPS Empat Lawang Regency took part in the webinar online via the Zoom platform. This event presents Dr. Mukhlisa, SpN, a neurologist from RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin, as the main source. This webinar aims to provide education and increase public awareness, especially in those of productive age, regarding the risks and prevention of pinched nerves.
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