Participating in the SAI Reconciliation and Preparation of the Financial Report for the Year 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Empat Lawang Regency

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The rice harvest area in 2024 will reach 521.09 thousand hectares, an increase of 16.95 thousand hectares or 3.36 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2023 which was 504.14 thousand hectares.

The month to month (m-to-m) deflation rate for South Sumatra Province in February 2025 was 0.41 percent and the year to date (y-to-d) deflation rate was 0.77 percent.

Participating in the SAI Reconciliation and Preparation of the Financial Report for the Year 2023

Participating in the SAI Reconciliation and Preparation of the Financial Report for the Year 2023

January 19, 2024 | Other Activities

The Government Accounting System (SAI) is a series of steps, both manual and computerized, that encompass data collection, recording, summarization, and reporting of the financial position and financial operations of the Ministry/Institution. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Empat Lawang is actively involved in the SAI reconciliation process and the preparation of the Annual Financial Report, organized by the South Sumatra Provincial BPS over two days on January 18 and 19, 2023. The purpose of the SAI reconciliation is to ensure the accuracy of Government Non-Movable Asset (BMN) and State Expenditure (SPM) data, especially those related to balance sheet accounts. Additionally, this reconciliation aims to perform the closing of the BMN and GLP books to issue the Financial Statements (SHR) no later than January 19, 2023. Furthermore, the reconciliation also aims to reduce the potential discrepancies in balance sheet figures, particularly those originating from BMN and its capital expenditure components (Inventory accounts), to produce accurate and reliable Financial Reports.

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